1. What presentations did you see?
In two long weeks, I attended 16 different presentations
that were both insightful and tiresome. People of my age have an attention span
of about 15 minutes, so the idea of observing up to three “2-hour”
presentations per day was thought of as torture by my fellow peers. But, by trying
to keep a solid poker face and performing the occasional head nod
when necessary, allowed students to get through the horrors of senior presentations.
After viewing the presentations, I can look back and say I’m glad that I was a
part of the seniors’ final days at I-poly, for they gave me an idea of what I
will do for my own senior project in the future.
Below is a list of all the presentations I attended.
Karate –
Lizzeth Acuna
Grade Teaching – Regina Rizo
Creating a
Franchise – Gabriel Mendoza
Criminology –
Arianna Castellanos
Teaching 1st
Grade – Xena Perez
EMT (First Aid)
– Jeremy Ethridge
Beauty Salon –
Brianna Osorio
HLE Officer –
Devanna Terry
Piano – Alyssa
Theater Tech –
Johnathan Shoemaker
Counseling –
Kimberly Gonzalez
Management – Vanessa Pacheco
(Corporate Leadership) – Juan Munoz
Theater Acting
– Gustavo Rios
Party Planning
– Leslie Nunez
Marketing and Advertising – Miguel Samonte
2. What questions do you have that haven't been answered
about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general,
any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what
they said.
- How much is our project grade
factored into our core classes?
- Is there any paperwork our mentor must fill out, other
than mentorship hours?
- How much time is spent crafting
our essential questions and when do we need to have our EQ set in stone?
3. What has the most important part of the senior project
based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?
Based on what I saw in the 2-hour
presentations, the most important part of the senior project was for the student
to understand their essential question and be able to properly execute their
answers from their research. There were several presentations where they quoted
their slides and didn’t go into depth with their answers. They have been at
I-Poly for almost four years and I understand that not everyone is great at
presenting, but reading from slides alone won’t guarantee that your audience is
on the same page as you.
4. What topic are you considering doing and why?
A topic I am considering doing is
teaching elementary and how applying art into the curriculum impacts child
development, as well as the learning experience. There have been psychological
studies that have revealed that having an artistic outlet while learning has
created a positive effect on students. I enjoy working with children and
teaching in general has been a career path I’ve always wanted to pursue, so in
choosing elementary teaching, I wish to better understand the different
educating methods allowing me to develop my own style of teaching.
5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?
For my summer mentorship, I plan to
shadow a current 3rd grade teacher at a local elementary school. I
will also help the teachers at the school with decorating classrooms,
organization, and possibly learn how their lesson plans are created from state
standards. I will be spending plenty of time at the school, so I wish to
familiarize myself with the area and meet faculty members while learning about
what their job requires of them.